Dateline: November 1, 2011
A brief rewrite
of pertinent
Middle East
How the
non-delivery of two formidable British dreadnoughts may well have led to the
adventurous exploits of Lawrence of Arabia, the existence of Iraq, Syria,
Lebanon, Palestine and Trans Jordan, Egypt, a sovereign Saudi Arabia, and later
greater control of the Persian Gulf by Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar and the United
Arab Emirates.
In 1914, as the
war clouds grew ever darker across Europe, British shipyards were working to
finish completion of two new massive Dreadnought battleships, together with
some destroyers and patrol craft, that had been ordered by the Ottoman Empire
to bolster its naval presence in the Black Sea
Turkey at that
time, still edgy about threats from its powerful northern neighbour, Imperial
Russia, which had a couple of decades before had waged war upon them and also
during the Crimea War. Turkey was also now beset with unfriendly relations with
Greece, another neighbour.
So the Turkish
Ottoman Empire was in a state of indecision as to which side — the French,
British and Italian, or the military might of Germany-Austria — it should
declare itself to be an ally.
With Russia
seemingly preparing to oppose Germany, Turkey’s strongest intentions appeared
to be with Germany and against Britain and France.
But when the
two mighty dreadnought battleships ordered by the Turkish government were
completed in August 1914, Winston Churchill, Britain’s First Lord of the
Admiralty, rightly told the Turks that the deal was off. The battleships
would stay in Britain and be commissioned into the Royal Navy.
Thus Turkey
firmly allied itself to Germany for the next four years of hostilities during
the Great War.
This meant that the next one hundred years of Middle East history, which we have
now witnessed, and events yet to unfold during the next few hundred years, were
radically and violently altered from what might have been.
unlikely though it was, if Turkey had received its fully-paid-for dreadnoughts
from Britain, as agreed upon, it is slightly possible that the Ottoman Empire
would have instead decided to become Britain’s ally, thus saving the costly
bloodshed and chicanery involved in wrestling military control of Arabia,
Mesopotamia, Palestine, Egypt and coastal regions of Libya, Tunisia and Algeria
from out of Turkish and into the allies’ hands and influence.
For the Ottoman
Empire had occupied all those Middle Eastern regions for centuries. From
the Red Sea across Arabia to the top of the Persian Gulf and all the way down
the gulf’s western coast to Oman and the Strait of Hormuz where the Turks had
held sway since the middle ages.
In the event of
a Turkish alliance with Britain there would have been no reason for the British
Army in Egypt’s, fluently Arabic-speaking, enigmatic, Lt. Colonel Lawrence to
don his flowing native robes and trek out into the desert to rouse the Arabian
tribes into rebellion against the Turks and ease the way for a British army to
win control of Jerusalem together with all the far-distant Arab lands so long
dominated by the Ottoman Empire.
Nor would there
have been need for a largely Indian British army to sail up into the
Shatt-al-Arab at the north end of the Persian Gulf, invade Mesopotamia (largely known as 'Messpot' in British shorthand) and
suffer terrible hardships on the way, from battling an extremely tough and cruel Turkish
Nor would the
victorious allies in 1919 have been able to carve up the whole region into
separate states, creating Syria and Lebanon for the French and with Palestine, Egypt
and Iraq placed under British mandate which, though later peacefully rescinded,
left meaningful British influence across the region including also most of the
coastal sheikdoms of the Persian Gulf and also Iran itself strongly influenced
by British policy until the mid 1950s. All illustrated by the
Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, the Imperial Bank of Iran and the Middle East, and
strong joint partnerships of USA-British regional oil exploration, development
and facilities for global export.
In fact, if
Turkey had chosen to join the Allies, It is possible that Imperial Russia, now
a de facto ally with Turkey would not
have given up fighting the Germans in 1917 nor experienced its tumultuous,
politically earth-shaking, revolution.
In the
mid-1950s the peace of Iraq under the rule of the young King Faisal and his
prime minister, Nuri Said, was destroyed when, largely undermined by Soviet
street propaganda, they and other members of ancient royal families were
brutally massacred and their bodies hung from lamp posts in the streets of
Baghdad and other cities by murderous mobs.
The way was
then open for a succession of much harsher regimes to rise and fall.
international harmony, both regionally and widespread, fell into the inane
bedlam we have seen over the many decades past.
What a jocke! Surely things would have been easier for the british in their purpose of conquering middle east and Persia but not better for the Ottoman empire who would had suffered the same fate as british have no friends or allieds and used this vessels to destroy them later. Russia is not a "de facto" allied of Turkey and never was, and would had fighted against Germany the same way, putting his borders as far from Moscu at possible would had be in a easy winning war of a world coalition "entente" of Great Britain, France, Russia and the Ottoman Empire. Churchill surely wanted this to happen, for the sake of his boss Rothschild, but we will never forget the shock he suffered when his north american "friend"presidente told him by phone that he (and his global banker and oil trust bosses) where not interested at all in supporting his beloved and already finished British Empire...