Fighter pilot, Royal Navy 1945, Hydrographer Iraq 1947-52 India 1952-53, Canadian Hydrographic Arctic explorer 1953-1960, Writer-producer Canadian National Film Board 1961-72, Freelance journalist, audio-visual producer 1972-2009, National Press Club of Canada 1961 - 2006

Monday, November 21, 2011

Amazing stuff...

Whoever would have thought it…
Some important news items and scientific insights you             may possibly have missed…

    Meteorological Science Meeting report…

It also said it was likely - meaning a probability greater than 66 per cent - that heavy precipitation events would also increase over many parts of the planet, particularly in high latitudes and tropical regions, as well as in winter for northern mid-latitudes.

(Wow!  That pretty much covers the whole globe.  You wanna avoid the deluge?  Then best bet is: head for New Zealand, the Falklands, or southern Chile and Argentina).

  •  Health Report spokesperson…

What's amazing to me, as someone who has worked in a rehab centre, is this: Take people off their substance and, after detox, they quickly become upstanding citizens - considerate, responsible and good-natured.  Put them back on the drugs or alcohol and the madness begins anew.
  •   Government Project runs over budget
   •   International meeting agrees  
date for next                                                                                                                                                                      meeting.

      •  Health Canada advises…

        If you break a Compact Fluorescent Lamp, follow these directions for clean-up:

        •  Leave the room
Remove people and pets from the room and keep them out of the room during the clean-up process.
Avoid stepping on any broken glass.

•  Ventilation
Ventilate the room for at least 15 minutes prior to starting clean-up by opening windows and doors to the outdoors. This will ensure that mercury vapour levels are reduced before you start cleaning.

•  Clean-up Directions for Hard and Carpeted
Do not use a vacuum to clean up the initial breakage, as it will spread the mercury vapour and dust throughout the area and may contaminate the vacuum.
Wear disposable gloves, if available, to avoid direct contact with mercury and to prevent cuts.
Scoop or sweep up the broken pieces and debris with two pieces of stiff paper or cardboard.  Do not use a broom.
Use sticky tape, such as duct tape or masking tape, to pick up any remaining fine glass or powder.
Wipe the area with a damp paper towel, cloth or disposable wet wipe to remove any residual particles.
Place the broken glass and clean-up materials in a glass container with a tight fitting lid to further minimize the release of mercury vapour.

•  Carpeting - Steps to Take After the Initial Clean-up
If the rug is removable, take it outside, shake and air it out for as long as is practical.
The first time you vacuum on installed carpet after the clean-up, shut the door to the room or close off the area as much as possible and ventilate the room in which the lamp was broken by opening the windows and doors to the outside. When the vacuuming is done, remove the bag, wipe the vacuum with a damp paper towel, cloth or disposable wet wipe, and then place the vacuum bag and paper towel in a sealed plastic bag outside.  In the case of a canister vacuum, wipe the canister out with a wet paper towel and dispose of the towel as outlined above. Continue to ventilate the room for 15 minutes once the vacuuming is completed.

•  Disposal
Immediately place waste material outside of the building in a protected area away from children.

Dispose of the waste at a household hazardous waste location as soon as possible.  Check with local, provincial, or territorial authorities about the requirements for recycling and for the location of household hazardous waste depots or pick-up.
Do not dispose of the waste in your household trash.
For further information on disposal, please contact Environment Canada.

•    Washing 
               Wash your hands after storing and disposing of waste.

(There that’s simple enough isn’t it?  Aren’t we all lucky to have the useful convenience of CFLs included by government mandate in our modern mode for gracious living?)

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