Notice of Copyright:
No part of this missive may be retrieved either manually, electronically, or by bird-dog, carrier pigeon, or telepathy. Nor may it be used to form pieces of a children’s jigsaw puzzle, or used as evidence in a court of law, or for enhancing political blarney during national election campaigns, or as a filler during any dreary stage appearance by famous personages at a London Palladium Royal Command Performance, or as part of a Royal Navy Petty Officers’ Sods Opera, or during artistic scenes presented by the National Ballet of Kookkistan, or as part of a Salvation Army Training Film for Tambourine Players, or in historical documentaries applauding 21st century nouveau art, or in any other similar wise, without instant payment of enormous amounts of lolly per word or illustration.
So there.
But apart from all the foregoing if you feel moved to use any of this stuff for legitimate or nefarious purposes, in keeping with popular and topical mores, just fill your boots while mentioning that it emanated from the Ough-Zone.
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