Poisson royal nature
Noting the extreme confusion and ignorance in the preparation of sea food, found among chefs, cooks, food writers, consumer magazine editors and others concerned in the hospitality and catering industries our O-Zone food expert, in a gesture of pure altruism, hereby presents the most logical fish recipe ever recorded.
This basic recipe is easily remembered anytime and anywhere: drifting through the Newfoundland tickles; up along the rugged Labrador coast; in amongst the Western Isles of Scotland; off the Maine coast; through Hudson Strait and into the Bay; anywhere in the world’s more temperate zones where there is good, cold, saltwater fish to be thankfully taken at pleasure.
It is the most honest and simplest of meals. The most simple, and for the fish lover, the most supreme. At least when modern fishing regulations will allow.
Atlantic salmon, arctic char, halibut are perhaps the most elite species for this dish but haddock, cod and other ground fish are equally scrumptious.
The five-step recipe is simplicity itself.
1) Go out to sea in a good boat.
2) Take a nice clean galvenized bucket or large cooking pot, lean over the side of the boat to windward and scoop up two or three inches of pure untainted sea water. Place over a stove.
3) Procure some fresh fish.
That's fresh fish. Straight out of the ocean-potion. Right now. Not last night's. Nor this morning's. Fresh. Fresh, Fresh. Right now. Just out of the net or off the hook.
4) Rapidly clean the fresh fish, then cut into large chunks and drop them into the water. Add nothing else as it’s already superbly and naturally seasoned with sea salt. Keep the pot or bucket at a simmer for a very few minutes.
5) Serve as desired, with malt vinegar, pepper, bread and butter, and cheddar cheese.
Preparation time: Whenever opportunity presents.
Orgiastic fish to a perfection you've never had before. Poisson de mer. Vraiment! N'est-ce-pas?
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